Nearly three out of four adults will have haemorrhoids from time to time. Symptoms of haemorrhoids are not serious but there are possibilities that it might lead to complications like strangulated haemorrhoids and blood clot which can lead to extreme pain. Although the symptoms are not fatal but it might be very inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing - itchiness around the anal region, especially when one is in public.
There are numerous ways to treat haemorrhoids with home remedies and PPARs is one of the effective supplements which relieve and even treat haemorrhoids.
Thus, in today’s post, we are going to explore how PPARs supplement work to treat haemorrhoids.
Snapshot of how does PPARs supplement for haemorrhoids work:
1. Haemorrhoids and Symptoms
2. Causes of Haemorrhoids
3. Diets to Treat Haemorrhoids
4. PPAR Supplement for Haemorrhoids
5. Simply Nature PPARs – The 100% Natural PPAR Supplement
Haemorrhoids and Symptoms
Haemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Haemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal haemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external haemorrhoids).

The veins around the anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell.
There are two main types of haemorrhoids: the internal haemorrhoids and the external haemorrhoids. Internal haemorrhoids are far enough inside the rectum which is covered with a lining known as mucosa that is less sensitive to stretch, temperature and pain. Hence, people with internal haemorrhoids are less likely to feel pain. The external haemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus, surrounded by more pain-sensing nerves. Thus, people with external haemorrhoids are more sensitive towards pain.
Symptoms of haemorrhoids includes:
1. Itching or irritation around the anal region
2. Pain or discomfort around the anal region
3. Swelling around the anal region
4. Bleeding, normally such as blood in the stool
5. Internal haemorrhoids normally comply with painless bleeding during bowel movements
6. Tissues that bulge around the anal region may result in pain and irritation when a haemorrhoid has been pushed through the anal opening.
7. There might be lumps near or around the anal region
8. Inflammation might happen too especially when there is wound due to the hard push
9. Severe pain when there is blood clot or strangulated haemorrhoid

Coughing, sneezing, and vomiting could worsen the symptoms of haemorrhoids too.
Causes of Haemorrhoids
Haemorrhoids are developed due to the increased pressure in the lower rectum. There are numerous possible causes of increasing pressure in the lower rectum.
1. Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
Haemorrhoids may happen if you sit on the toilet too long because when you sit on the toilet, your anus relaxes, allowing the veins around to fill with blood, which then puts pressure on those veins.
2. Having chronic diarrhoea or constipation

When a person is having chronic diarrhoea, it will impact the overall health, not only influencing the body tissues of rectum.
People tend to strain on the bowel movement, putting pressure towards the rectum and anal when they are having constipation. Regular straining and pressures on the body tissues due to chronic constipation cause the veins around the rectum and anal region to swell, resulting in haemorrhoids.
3. Obesity

Haemorrhoids are commonly experienced among individuals with obesity. This is because they have excess weight, or pressure constricting the veins and blood vessels surrounding the anal and colon.
4. Pregnancy and Vaginal Delivery

This can also happen when a person is pregnant, because the baby's weight puts pressure on the lower rectum and anal region, stressing the veins and hence resulting in haemorrhoids.
Vaginal delivery will apply pressure to the blood vessels in the rectum too.
5. Having a low-fibre diet

Having low-fibre diet will lead to constipation which applies the same pressure towards the rectum tissues as chronic constipation.
6. Regular heavy lifting

Weightlifting needs the athletes to hold breathe while lifting the weight and exhale. In this condition, the air in the lungs will turn downward, putting pressures on the internal organs and blood vessels in the rectum, causing the veins to swell and hence, haemorrhoids.
This is the same when a person’s work requires him or her to lift heavy objects regularly.
7. Having anal intercourse
As one ages, the risk of haemorrhoids increases. This is because the body tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anal region can weaken and stretch. People who stand or sit for long stretches of time are at greater risk, too.
Diets to Treat Haemorrhoids
Fortunately, effective options are available to treat haemorrhoids. Many people get relief with home treatments and lifestyle changes. Taking PPARs Supplement is one of the helpful remedies to treat haemorrhoids. PPARs is rich in the anti-inflammation and blocking inflammation properties. PPAR gamma which is rich with anti-atherogenic and anti-inflammatory properties is often involved in the regulation of inflammation. PPARs will modulate the body’s ability to regulate and decrease inflammation.
PPARs can help to reduce pain and inflammation and further prevent the production of various pro-inflammatory and angiogenic enzymes.

This is beneficial to relieve the swell in the veins around the rectum and anal region, improving the haemorrhoids.
Activation of PPARs will enhance immunity cell proliferator capability which in other words, PPARs will boost our immune system. PPARs is effective to induce an immune profile similar to dominance of Th2 Cells. In terms of immunity, PPAR gamma and its ligands are indeed the most critical one for the modulation of immune cells like monocytes, T cells and NK cells and inflammatory reactions.

Besides, PPARs has also been recognized in contributing significantly in the immune response through its ability to avoid the expression of inflammatory cytokines and directing various immune cells toward anti-inflammatory phenotypes making PPARs to be effective in inhibiting inflammatory mediators. This is helpful to prevent bacteria from growing around the anal region and hence reduce the irritation and itchiness due to haemorrhoids.
PPARs plays a major regulatory role in energy homeostasis and metabolic function. This means that PPARs will direct the exact amount of nutrients needed by your body to the exact tissues or organs, unifying the biological system, functions and processes. Chronic constipation and diarrhoea can occur due to a lack of nutrients, other than factors such as infections or functional disorder of body tissues. PPARs is able to influence the body to direct the exact amount of nutrients to the exact body tissues to become effective in improving chronic constipation and diarrhoea. When these chronic issues are improved, less pressure is applied to the veins in the rectum and hence, improving the condition of haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, activation of PPARs increases metabolism and body function which is crucial to treat diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Obesity is one of the common causes of haemorrhoids.
PPARs Supplement for Haemorrhoids

The Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) is a group of nuclear receptor proteins that attach to the DNA to increase and regulate the expression of genes. PPARs is beneficial in increasing and regulating the expression of genes. PPARs is beneficial and crucial for the body in fighting diseases and providing fuels and energy to the cells.
PPARs plays the role as a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes, including the regulation of cellular differentiation, development and metabolism of body tissues.
PPARs also acts on DNA response elements with the nuclear retinoic acid receptor. PPARs are involved in various independent and DNA-dependent molecular and enzymatic pathways in adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscles.

PPAR is divided into three subtypes or isoforms: the PPAR alpha, the PPAR gamma, and the PPAR beta/ delta.
The PPAR Alpha is widely expressed in body tissues, including the skeletal muscle, the liver and the heart which plays the crucial role to lower the triglyceride level and energy homeostasis. The PPAR beta/delta is active in many tissues and plays an important role to regulate the oxidation of fatty acids, ketone body synthesis and glucose sparing. PPAR beta/ delta also is effective in inhibiting inflammatory mediators. While PPAR gamma, which is ubiquitous and the most ‘popular’ PPAR subtype, play an important role in the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism.
PPARs has been known to be one of the most promising biomedical molecules in the biomedical industry due to its ‘ultimate’ benefits towards the body. This includes improving chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, and even cancer.
Simply Nature PPARs – The 100% Natural PPARs Supplement
There are several brands offering PPARs Supplements in the market. Our Simply Nature PPARs has been around for many years with plenty of testimonials and reviews from medical doctors and users. It is highly popular in Singapore and The Philippines. Simply Nature PPARs is made with 100% natural plant-based whole food which are totally free from additives, binder, fillers and any artificial substances whereby it would work in synergy with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and even surgery. Hence, it is highly recommended for cancer patients.
Unlike a synthetic vitamin, pharmaceutical drug or medicinal herb, Simply Nature PPARs is made from 100% natural plant-based whole food which are totally free from additives, binder, fillers and any artificial substances. Simply Nature PPPARs also utilizes the proprietary Bio-Technology to extract PPARs Agonist, CGF, and Polyphenols.
Since our Simply Nature PPARs is a combination of micro-algae from natural green plants & foods. Like most of the green plant foods, Simply Nature PPARs do not have any particular contra-indications with drugs which means it would work in synergy with medications.
Despite the micro-algae which contains up to 60% of plant protein, Simply Nature PPARs is packed with a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fatty acids, proteins and phytonutrients comparing to any other nutrient source. In short, Simply Nature PPARs is like a ‘super-food’ to the body cells and tissues to function optimally.
Another important benefit of Simply Nature PPARs is that it is available in several forms in order to meet the different needs of different people to ensure that the nutrients are easily released and absorbed by the body.
1. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Liquid

This is the most expensive Simply Nature PPARs products comparing to other Simply Nature PPARs Series products, but it is the most effective one as well. This is because each vial of liquid holds the amount of potency as high as 1,000 tablets. This PPARs Extract Liquid is meant for those with critical needs and anti-ageing purposes.
There are 6 liquid vials in a box of PPARs Extract Liquids.
2. The Simply Nature PPARs Plus Tablets

Comparing to other consumable forms, capsules and tablets are always the most convenient forms of supplements. The Simply Nature PPARs Plus Tablet contains almost 100 times more than normal vegetables of chlorophyll. Hence, it is beneficial for the blood purification and anti-toxic process of the body. It is beneficial for constipation issues.
The tablets are chewable and there are 150 tablets for each bottle of PPARs Plus Tablet.
3. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Soft Gel Capsule

Comparing to conventional tablets, soft gel capsules are more easily to swallow and are more convenient to take comparing to liquid or powder. Furthermore, soft gel capsules are tasteless and do not have unpleasant “odour” of herbs.
There are 30 capsules of soft gel PPARs concentrate extract in each pack of capsules.
4. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Powder

Consuming PPAR in powder form will be a fast and effective way for the body to absorb the nutritional support. This is suitable for the people who has difficulty in swallowing capsule or tablets and people suffering with digestive problems. The Simply Nature PPARs Extract Powder is the most popular product among the Simply Nature PPARs Series. It is recommended for patients suffering from serious illnesses.
To wrap up, PPARs is indeed an effective supplement to alleviate and treat haemorrhoids. It does not only prevent inflammation of tissues around the anal region but also helps to boost the recovery of body tissues, beneficial to relieve the swells of veins in the anus and lower rectum.
Simply Nature PPARs is made from 100% natural plant-based whole food, totally free from additives and this assures our clients that no adverse health effects will happen by consuming our PPARs. Very often you might hear that taking too much supplements might cause an adverse reaction towards the body as we are putting too much “burden” – additives for the body to process. But in this case, Simply Nature PPARs is 100% free from additives which eliminates any risk in burdening the body.
Despite taking supplements, it is important to keep hydrated and take healthy diets, especially vegetables and fruits to avoid constipation which will add burdens to the haemorrhoids. If you have tried natural food diet changes but yet have not been able to cure your Haemorrhoids, do get in touch with us and we will advise you further based on your conditions from our doctors.